Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11, 2014 - Mountain Run Lake

Went over to Mountain Run Lake fishing.  Fished with mealworms under a slip bobber with a split shot for a while, didn't do much.  Caught a bluegill on a curly tail with a slow jigging action.  A couple bass on lipped black crankbait.

Switched to fishing a small, maybe 1/16 oz, jighead tipped with a mealworm about 4 feet under a clip-on bobber, caught several bass and a good number of bluegills in 6-10 feet deep water.

My mess of fish:

Nice to know when crankbaits are hopeless and poppers are futile, that you can pull in some fish using live bait.  My father reassured me that he though my immortal soul was intact despite my use of live bait, but in the last couple of days since bait fishing, I have noticed an inclination towards dark sorcery and my experiments with reanimating corpses are proceeding nicely.

Speaking of corpses and tortured segues, when I was out there, I saw something around 15vultures circling.  They weren't circling me, so I didn't give it a second thought, although I did take a picture in the event that blurry, poorly framed photographs become the newest rage in postmodern nouveau art and net me a grand or two from some rich fool who uses words like postmodern and nouveau without knowing what they mean:

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