Monday, December 15, 2014

December 14, 2014 - Mountain Run Lake

A beautiful day, light and variable wind, blue skies, ambient air temperature 56 degrees, water temp 42 degrees.  Aside from the water temperature, the sort of day you'd expect for the ides of October, but December?  Maybe global warming isn't so bad.

The danger with cracking a joke like that is that you alienate some of your audience, and successful blog authors like myself thrive off of readership.  Conservative nutjob global warming deniers will resent you for acknowledging the presence of a global warming phenomenon, and knee-jerk liberal global warming phenomenon supporters will despise you for approaching the topic with levity.

Although I suppose some people are still sticking around, those who don't care one way or another about global warming.  Those are my people, those who, in the face of an ominous trend forecast to bring about terrible destruction akin to the end of times, shrug their shoulders and consider moving inland and getting a new HVAC unit.

Anyway, I went fishing.  Ran into S____, who reported that black swans were in residence at the lake, and was going out to photograph them. 

Although I assumed she was talking about birds, in truth I shouldn't have been so presumptuous.  I mean, there are secret societies of Moose and Elks, so why not the Black Swans?  Maybe the Black Swans are planning a hostile takeover of the Masons, due to some shoddy bricklaying work they had done.  This puts photographing the Black Swans in a whole different light.

But it turns out they were birds, at least according to this photographic evidence I obtained:

Although given how blurry and poorly lit this picture is, maybe I'd have been better off selling it to the Enquirer or the Globe as evidence of plesiosaurs living in 1970s era flood control impoundments in central Virginia.

Black swans, aka Cygnus atratus are native to Australia, but presumably these are an introduced population, probably moved because the crocodile hunter kept grabbing them by the tail.

Anyway, reader, I've done you a disservice by spouting all this bullshit when really, you, a fishing blog reader, want to know what fish were caught, on what tackle, and how much blood was spilled.

The reason for all the bullshit is that the answers to those questions are as follows, and don't merit much discussion:

-Black crankbait, inline spinner, crappie jig with yellow and red curly tail, 3" crawdad on a jig, zara spook-like thing.  I did have a strike on a jighead tipped with a mealworm.
-Virtually none other than when I stuck myself with a hook.

Put in at three, fished until about five, and took out.  S____ reported that she saw another fisherman pull in a 10 pound bass, so there was more reason to be optimistic than usual, but no luck. 

Also, what do you call a stoic goose?  (highlight below to see answer)

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