Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014 - Lake Orange

 Went down to Lake Orange, put in at 6:45 PM.  I had intended to go over to Aquia Creek today, but didn't feel up to paddling 6-7 miles, especially given the 30% chance of rain/storms.

Anyway, put in and fished towards the dam this time. 

 About 30 minutes later, it started to rain lightly, and there was some thunder off in the distance.  It only rained for about 5 minutes, and cleared up.
Caught an 8 inch bass that I released.  Then I caught an 11 inch bass on a small spinner (silver blade/red body 1/16 oz)  I had foul hooked him in the gills so I decided to keep fish.
 Caught a chain pickerel, maybe 15 inches, up the creek to the left of the dam.  Had him up next to the boat, trying to figure out the best way to land him without cutting up my hands, and then he flopped off the hook and was gone.  Caught him in about 3 feet of water near weed beds.  Caught him on a small spinner with red blade and blue body, with very slow retrieve.

Moved along the bank, casting my spinner up under the trees.  Snagged a lot of weeds, but did catch a decent 14 incher.  Slot limit here is 16-22", so he was fair game.

Took out at about 9:30.  The same grizzled local that I ran into last time was there tonight, and he'd caught a 22" walleye, which was an impressive fish.  He'd caught it on some sort of jib, I gather a swimbait or something similar.

I started the GPS log late, and forgot to turn it off until I was on the road.  In any case, here's my journey.  The reason I swung out so far going around the point near the dam was that there was a guy sitting at the point fishing with bobbers, and I assume live bait.  I'd guess that the point would be pretty good fishing, and next time I'm there, I'll have to give it a try.  I didn't fish much between the dam and the ramp on the way back, and that's water that I should probably pay more attention to as well.

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