Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 7, 2016 - Tidal Rappahannock

Put in at Wilmont's Landing, water was muddy, weather was nice.

The shore adjacent in this area is a national wildlife refuge, and the osprey's have taken advantage of that.  The number of osprey nest's was almost innumerable.  There were maybe 6 or 7 that I saw, here are 3.

Osprey nest 1:
 Osprey nest 2: See osprey center-frame, eyeing my canoe.  Is that lustful hunger I see in her eyes, or just the ambivalence that birds seem to examine their surroundings with?

Osprey nest 3:  Can you imagine being a newly-hatched osprey looking down from this perch?
Nothing much else happened, caught a catfish.

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