Sunday, July 24, 2016

July 24, 2016 - Big Blue Canoe

So, a few weeks ago, I made the trek down to Smith Mountain Lake, where a guy had a Wenonah Odyssey canoe for sale.  I picked it up.  This is an 18 1/2 feet long tripping canoe, and is pretty fast paddled tandem.  I've taken it out now twice using it as a solo, and it makes a lousy solo canoe.  The length makes it difficult to turn, and my solo seat is just a board over the gunnels, which puts me too high up to paddle effectively with any paddle I own.

That having been said, it is pretty stable, and doesn't draft much water with just me in it.


While I was paddling around, caught this crappie:

I caught this nice yellow perch the other day. 

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