Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 3 2014 Mountain Run Lake

Went to Mountain Run Lake after work.  Got there about 6:45.  Wind was very light and from the west, it was sunny and fairly warm.  Water temperature at ramp was 80 F, was 77 F elsewhere.  The water has cleared up quite a bit.

Fished heavily for crappie off of the points at the peninsula, using crappie jig with chartreuse tube from a bobber, suspended about 4 feet below bobber.  Caught a crappie right off, within 5 minutes, and figured I'd discovered the secrets of the universe.  Turns out, I was just lucky, didn't catch another crappie, and gave up after 45 minutes.

Started fishing the jib/bobber rig up nearer the bank, two big redears were my prize.  Also caught a bluegill.  Switched to a white lizard texas rigged with a 3/16 oz weight and caught a bass.  Getting close to dusk, decided to fish the steep bank between dam and ramp area, but as I paddled over there, saw that there was a guy fishing, so I took out.

Cleaning fish, noted that the redears and bluegill had eggs.  Following some investigation, apparently if spawn is interrupted, say by two flood events, then the fish may not drop their eggs but apparently will reabsorb them.  Maybe that explains that fish I caught this winter with eggs.

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