Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5, 2014 Mountain Run Lake

Went to Mountain Run Lake after work.  Got there about 6:45, there were a few boats in the left creek and one along the peninsula bank, so I paddled up the right creek, fishing with a crappie jig and bobber rig, not doing any good.  Switched to a small spinner and didn't do any good either.  At this point it was 7:45.

But then, as I rounded the point, I switched to a small diving plug and started fan casting.  The first cast, I felt a weight on the line, but then it was gone, a 1 second journey from the high of a tight line to the yawning crevasse of failure, doubt, and solicitude.

But then, amazingly, I caught two crappie within 5 minutes.

 I'd forgotten my stringer, so after I released these, I paddled back to the car and retrieved it.  Of course, then I caught one more small bluegill and then nothing.  Apparently not having a stringer is a predictor of success.

In any case, took out at 8:45, and came home. 

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